Tuesday, December 14, 2010


          Almond is the favorite nut of most persons; a lot of chocolate and skincare product in the market has almonds on it. What is almond nut? The almond nut that we enjoy eating is technically the seed of the fruit of the almond tree. The almond tree bears fruits with stone-like seeds (or pits) within. Almond tree is a medium size tree (growing to between 4 to 10 meters in height, with trunk of up to 30 centimeters in diameter), that bears fragrant pink and white flowers. Almonds are off-white in color, covered by a thin brownish skin, and encased in a hard shell. Almonds are available throughout the year and they are the freshest in mid-summer, which is when they are at the height of their season. Almonds are available in the market either still in their shell or with their shell removed. Shelled almonds are available whole, sliced or slivered in either their natural form, with their skin, or blanched, with their skin removed. 

Health Benefits of Almonds:

          Whole Almonds (with skins) has the most health benefits, the flavonoids found in almond skin together with the vitamin E content in its meat more than double the antioxidant content of almonds. Sweet almonds itself contains practically no carbohydrates and may therefore be made into bread and cakes for low carbohydrates diets or for patients suffering from diabetes.

  • Almond oil can help smoothes wrinkles and improved complexion because it is rich in unsaturated fats and essential fatty acids. 
  • Almond oil helps improved movement of food through the colon and therefore prevents colon cancer and other diseases in the intestines that results from constipation. 
  • Studies showed that including 73g of almonds in the daily diet helps reduced cholesterol level in the blood. 
  • Almond is considered food for the brain and nervous system. It is said to induce high intellectual level and longevity. 
  • Almond contains substances that have anti-inflammatory and immunity boosting effects 
  • Almonds are rich in monounsaturated fats (good fat). Studies showed that substituting nuts for an equivalent amount of carbohydrates in an average diet resulted in a 30% reduction in heart disease risk. 
  • Almonds can help keep the blood sugar under control. 
  • Help prevent Gallstones